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Computer IT Programming Syllabus

C Programming Syllabus
    • Introduction to Programming
    • What is a program?
    • What are the characteristics of a good program?
    • Which are the different programming languages?
    • What is a constant?
    • What is a variable?
    • What is a counter variable?
    • What is a compiler?
    • What is a library?
    • What is a keyword?
    • What is dry run?

    Working with ‘C’ programming

    • What is C programming?
    • Rules for writing a ‘C’ program
    • What is a data type?
    • Different types of datatypes in C
    • What are operators?

    Sequence Programming Construct

    • Wap to accept the name and age from the user and print them
    • Wap to calculate the sum, difference, multiplication and division of two
    • Wap to calculate the area and perimeter of a rectangle
    • Wap to calculate the area and circumference of a circle
    • Wap to accept two values and swap
    • Wap to accept marks of any 5 subjects and calculate the total and percentage
    • Wap to calculate the square and cube of a number
    • Wap to calculate simple interest.

    Selection Programming Construct (using IF)

    • Wap to find the greater of 2 numbers
    • Wap to find the greatest of 3 numbers
    • Wap to calculate the age of the person and find whether the person is eligible to
    • Wap to find whether a number is an odd or
    • Wap to find whether the year is a leap year
    • Wap to accept any number between 1-7 and print the day of the week
    • Wap to calculate the total and percentage of any 5 subjects and find the grade according to the grade key
    • Wap to calculate the commission of the salesman on his basic salary according to the given criteria
    • Wap to check whether an alphabet is a vowel or consonant
    • Wap to check whether the entered number is a multiple of another number
    • Wap to check whether the given input is an alphabet, number or special

    Selection Programming Construct (using SWITCH)

    • Wap to accept any number between 1-7 and print the day of the
    • Wap to check whether an alphabet is a vowel or consonant

    Iteration Programming Construct (using WHILE, DO WHILE & FOR)

    • Exercises related to WHILE & DO WHILE Loop
    • Exercises related to FOR Loop

    Arrays (Single Dimensional & Multi-Dimensional)

    • Wap to print the numbers in an array wherein numbers are accepted by the
    • Wap to accept numbers in an array and find the index no of a single or multiple
    • Wap to print the sum of numbers accepted from the
    • Wap to print the highest of numbers accepted from the user
    • Wap to print the lowest of numbers accepted from the user
    • Wap to accept different names from the user and print them using multi-dimensional
    • Wap to accept a single name from the user and find the index no of the vowels present in that

    Functions & Pointers

    • Wap to demonstrate the use of a
    • Wap to add, sub, mul and divide two numbers using functions
    • Wap to demonstrate the use of pointer
  • Introduction to C++ Programming

    • What is C++

    • The different features of object oriented programming

    Classes & Objects

    • What is Class?
    • What is an object?
    • Data member
    • Member function

    Constructor | Destructor | Constructor Overloading

    • Constructor
    • Instance Variable
    • Local Variable
    • Destructor
    • Constructor Overloading


    • Single Level Inheritance
    • Multi Level Inheritance

    Friend Class

    • Friend Class

    Dynamic File Handling

    • Creating a file and adding predefined values to the file
    • Creating a file and adding user defined values to the file
  • Python Programming Syllabus

    Simple Programme

    • Program To Print Hello World institute
    • Perform Arithmetic Operation on Two Numbers (+, -, *, /, %)
    • Accept The Values From User And Display It
    • Accept 5 Subjects Marks & Calculate Total And Print The Average
    • Calculate Area Of Shapes (Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, Square)
    • Calculate Square And Square Root Of A
    • Swap 2 Numbers With Temporary Variable
    • Swap 2 Numbers Without Temporary Variable


    • Program to Check Whether the Number Is Positive or
    • Program to Check Whether the Number Is Even or
    • Program to Find The Greater Of Two Numbers
    • Program to Check Whether The Entered Year Is Leap Year Or
    • Program to Check Whether The Student Is Pass Or Marks >=35 Pass Marks <=35 Fail
    • Program to Find the Greatest Of Three
    • Progr
    • r Is Leap Year Or
    • Program to Check Whether The Student Is Pass
    • am to Show the Usage of Comparison
    • Program to Accept The Number From User And Display Which Day Of The Week It
    • Program to Accept The Number From User And Display Which Month Of The Year It
    • Program to Check Whether the Entered Number is Positive, Zero or Negative.
    • Accept Marks From User, Calculate Percentage And Assign The
    • Program to Make A Simple
    • Program to input 3 sides of a triangle and check whether it forms a triangle or not and if it can form a triangle than heck whether it is iso-scales, scales or equilateral triangle

    Loops(while and For)

    • Program to Print The Number From 1-10 Using While
    • Program to Find the Armstrong
    • Program to Check the Reverse of A
    • Program to Check Whether The Entered Number Is Palindrome Or
    • Wap to print n odd numbers in descending order
    • Program to Print the Table of A Number Entered By
    • Program to Print The Prime Number In A Given Range
    • Program to Find the Fibonacci
    • Program to Print The Sequence Of A Number From 1-10

    String and Arrays

    • Program to Accept And Display The User Entered
    • Program to Find the Length of the
    • Program to Compare 2
    • Program to Copy 2
    • Program to Concatenate 2
    • Program to Convert String from Uppercase To Lowercase & Vice-Versa.
    • Program to Print the Common Letters in 2
    • Insert array elements in a list and make as array
    • Access elements of array
    • Append any value at last position of array
    • Append array to itself
    • Insert value at certain position

    List and Dictionary

    • Program to Print List
    • Program to Replace certain entry(index value) to any value and print list
    • Program to Append any values to the list
    • Program to Delete first entry(index 0) or any entry from the list
    • Program to Sort the list
    • Program to Reverse the list
    • Program to Concatenate list
    • Program to Insert value/data at certain position
    • Program to Print the list thrice in list itself
    • Program to create Dictionary and print
    • Program to Print All Keys and Values of
    • Program to Print any one element of the dictionary
    • Program to Print Replace/Update certain position of the dictionary
    • Program to Add item at the end of the dictionary
    • Program to Delete certain element
    • Program to Pop certain item
    • Program to Clear dictionary
    • Program to Delete dictionary

    Tuples and Regular Expression

    • Program to Print the Complete
    • Program to Print the Elements of
    • Program to Print the Tuple Two
    • Program to Split the
    • Program to Eliminate the
    • Program to Find the Digits & Non-digits.
    • Program to Find the Non-space.


    • Program to Draw the
    • Program to Draw the Rectangle with
    • Program to Draw the
    • Program to Insert An Image
    • Program to Make the Copy of an Image
    • Program for Widgets (Right, left).
    • Program for Padding (padx, pady, ipadx, ipady).

    GUI Programming

    • Program on
    • Program to Make a
    • Program to Make a Message
    • Program to Make a Radio
    • Program to Make a
    • Program To Make A Spin box
    • Program to Make a
    • Programs on Click.
    • Program on Events and
    • Write a function that sums the list numbers
    • Write a function that reverses a string
    • Write a function which counts the number of uppercase and lowercase letters in the string
    • Write a function for factorial of a number
    • Write a function that takes a list and returns a new list with unique elements of the first list

    Python Built In Function, Directory

    • Program to Print Random
    • Program to Print Date And
    • Program to Print the

    File Handling and Computer using operation

    • Program to Make a
    • Program to Read a
    • Program to Write Multiple Lines of
    • Program to Check Whether File Exist Or
    • Program to Make a Copy of A
    • Program to Print the Length of Each Line of File.
    • Program to send e-mail
    • Program to Print the IP Address Of The
    • Program to Restart the
    • Program to Shut down
Core Java Syllabus
What is Java?
  • Features of Java
  • Where it is used
  • Prerequisite

Java Component

  • JVM
  • JRE
  • JDK
  • Requirement for Hello Java
  •  Hello Java Program
  • Parameters used in first java program
  • Types of Variable
  • Example to understand the types of variables in java

Operators in java

  • Unary Operator,
  • Arithmetic Operator,
  • Shift Operator,
  • Relational Operator,
  • Bitwise Operator,
  • Logical Operator,
  • Ternary Operator and
  • Assignment

Conditional statement

  • if Statement
  • if-else Statement
  • if-else-if ladder Statement
  • Switch Statement

Loops in Java

  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • do-while Loop

Object and Class in Java

  • State
  • Behavior
  • Identity

Constructor in Java

  • When a constructor is called?
  • Rules for creating java constructor
  • Types of java constructors
Advanced Java Syllabus

Introduction to JDBC

  • Why use JDBC?
  • What is API?

JDBC Driver

  • JDBC-ODBC bridge driver
  • Native-API driver
  • Network Protocol driver
  • Thin driver
  • Steps to connect to the database in java

Example to establish connection with the Oracle database

  • Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection
  • Create the Statement object
  • Execute the query
  • Close the connection object

Example to connect to the Mysql database in java

  • Driver class
  • Connection URL
  • Username
  • Password

Connection interface

  • Statement interface
  • Prepared Statement

Get start with JSP

  • Advantage of JSP over Servlet
  • Life cycle of a JSP Page
  • Creating a simple JSP Page

JSP Scriptlet tag (Scripting elements)

  • JSP Scripting elements
  • JSP scriptlet tag

Syntax of JSP scriptlet tag

  • Jsp Expression tag

Example of JSP request implicit object

  • index.html
  • welcome.jsp
  • Example of response implicit object
  • session implicit object
C# Syllabus

Introduction with basic programs

  • Overview of C#
  • Who have Develop C#?
  • Reasons for Developing C#
  • C# relates to the .Net framework
  • Program structure in c#

Data Types

  • Value Type
  • Reference Type
  • C# Type Conversion Methods

oops concepts and components

  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism


  • Defining a Class
  • Static Members of a C# Class
  • Static Members of function

Constructor and Destructor

  • Types of constructor
  • Default constructor
  • Parameterized constructor


  • Base and Derived Classes
  • Single (Reusability)
  • Multiple instance Interface (Extensibility)


  • Static Polymorphism
  • Function Overloading
  • Dynamic Polymorphism


  • Creating a String Object
  • C# String Functions And Properties


  • Declaring Arrays
  • Initializing an Array
  • Using the foreach Loop
  • Types of Array

Delegates And Events

  • Delegate
  • Multicast deligate
  • Action Event
  • Anonymous Method
  • Event Method

Collection and Generic

  • Arraylist
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Sorted
  • Hashtable 
  • Without using method
  • With using method
  • Using array
  • Using Boolean

Exception Handling

  • Arithametic
  • Nullpointer
  • Outofmemory
  • Index out of range


  • Thread Life cycle
  • Thread class
  • Main Thread
  • Thread sleep
  • Overview of
  • Who Develop
  • Overview of Features
  • Reason of developing
  • Button
  • Text Box
  • Label
  • Calendar
  • Radio Button
  • Checkbox
  • Hyperlink
  • Drop Down
  • File Upload
  • Link Butoon
  • Image
  • Common Language Runtime or CLR
  • Net Framework Class Library
  • Common Language Specification
  • Common Type System
  • Metadata and Assemblies
  • Wap to find the greater of 2 numbers
  • Wap to find the greatest of 3 numbers
  • Wap to calculate the sum, difference multiplication and division of two numbers
  • Wap to find whether a number is an odd or even
  • Wap to find whether the year is a leap year
  • PreInit
  • Init
  • InitComplete
  • PreLoad
  • Load
  • Control events
  • LoadComplete
  • PreRender
  • PreRenderComplete
  • SaveStateComplete
  • Render
  • Unload
  • Login form
  • Registration form
  • LinkButton
  • Upload file
  • Image
  • Compare Validator
  • Range Validator
  • Regular ExpressionValidator
  • Required Field Validator
  • Validation Summary
  • Data Provider
  • Sql connection
  • Sql Server
  • Data set
  • Data Reader
  • command
  • GridView
  • FormView
  • XmlView
  • DetailView
HTML & CSS Syllabus

Introduction of CSS

  • Paragraph
  • Element Selector
  • Id Selector
  • Class selector
  • Group Selector
  • Universe Selector
  • Add(Inline,Internal,External)
  • Comments
  • Background


CSS Property

  • Color
  • Background Color
  • Word Specing
  • Letter Spacing
  • Text Transform
  • Text Decoration
  • Line Height
  • Font Family
  • Font size


Web Layout and Multiple Division

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Float
  • Navigation Bar
  • Margin
  • Opacity
  • Padding
  • Hover
  • Gradient


Display Positioning

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Float
  • Navigation Bar
  • Margin
  • Opacity
  • Padding
  • Hover
  • Gradient
CSS Advanced Property
  • Boarder Radius
  • Background Linear gradiant
  • Background-origin
  • writing-mode
  • Background-repeat
  • Class
  • CSS Add
  • Inline
  • Internal
  • External
  • SQL Syllabus
    • Syntax
    • Datatypes
    • Operators
    • Create
    • Drop
    • Rename
    • Create
    • Drop
    • Delete
    • Rename
    • Truncate
    • Alter
    • Unique
    • Distinct
    • Top
    • First
    • Last
    • Random
    • In
    • Date
    • Sum
    • Null
    • Where
    • And
    • OR
    • As
    • Clause
    • ASC
    • DESC
    • LIMIT
    • Insert
    • Update
    • Delete
    • Inner
    • Fullouter
    • Left
    • Right
  • MySQL Syllabus
    • Syntax
    • Datatypes
    • Operators
    • ABS
    • Sign
    • Mode
    • Floor
    • Ceiling
    • Round
    • POW
    • SQRT
    • Least
    • Greatest
    • Truncate
    • Day
    • Month
    • Year
    • Day Of week
    • Weekday
    • Dayname
    • Month Name
    • Day of Year
    • Quarter
    • Hour
    • Minute
    • Second
    • Now
    • ASCII
    • Char
    • Lcase
    • Ucase
    • Left
    • Right
    • LPad
    • Rpad
    • Substring
    • Length
    • Create
    • Drop
    • Rename
    • Create
    • Drop
    • Delete
    • Rename
    • Truncate
    • Alter
    • Unique
    • Distinct
    • Top,First
    • Last
    • Random
    • In
    • Date
    • Sum
    • Null
    • Where
    • And
    • OR
    • As
    • Clause
    • ASC
    • DESC
    • LIMIT
    • Insert
    • Update
    • Delete
    • Inner
    • fullouter
    • Left
    • Right
  • VBA Syllabus
    • Introduction with VBA Programming
    • Basic Programming with Macro
    • Selection stetment(If-elseif-else)
    • Switch condition
    • Iteration loop(While and for loop)
    • Using Sheet Opearation
    • Vlookup and Buttons
    • Sorting And Filteringand Buttons
    • Multisheet Operation and Merging Sheet
    • Create Multiple type FormOperation and Merging Sheet
    • Open Different types of file using path
    • Open excel file using Login id and Password
  • Java Script Syllabus
    1. Why to learn JavaScript
    2. What is JavaScript, Its Applications and Advantages
    3. Getting started (Downloading, Installing & understanding IDE)
    4. JavaScript – Syntax.
    5. JavaScript – Variables
    6. JavaScript – Operators
    7. JavaScript – If … Else
    8. JavaScript – Switch Case
    9. JavaScript – While Loop
    10. JavaScript – For Loop
    11. JavaScript – For … in
    12. JavaScript – Loop Control
    13. JavaScript – Functions
    14. JavaScript – Events
    15. JavaScript – Page Redirect
    16. JavaScript – Dialog Box
    17. JavaScript – Void Keyword
    18. JavaScript – Objects
    19. JavaScript – Number
    20. JavaScript – Boolean
    21. JavaScript – Strings
    22. JavaScript – Arrays
    23. JavaScript – Date
    24. JavaScript – Math
    25. JavaScript – RegExp
    26. JavaScript – HTML DOM
    27. JavaScript – Error Handling
    28. JavaScript – Validations
    29. JavaScript – Animations
    30. JavaScript – Multimedia
    31. JavaScript – Debugging
    32. JavaScript – Image Map
    33. JavaScript – Browser

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